All You Need:

All You Need:
Tools of the Trade

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 21 - Kangoo Jumps

Wednesday, April 21
Alt Mode. - Car Pool, Kangoo Jumps
Points - 2
Gear-black energizer pants, black 5 yr pima tee, black stride jacket

I woke up 6am to be ready and waiting outside my door for Pheobe to pick me up at 6:30am.  We had a store meeting bright and early with a surprise workout at 7am sharp. "Bring 2 pairs of socks" was the only hint.

Low and behold, Robert with Kangoo Jumps rolled in with a dozen pairs of Kangoo Jump shoes (see pic above) in tow.  We definitely worked up a sweat and "burned 25% more calories" with these babies. After our workout, I asked Robert if I could borrow a pair to make my way home in.  I had every intention of enjoying a beautiful walk home this afternoon, but if I could Kangoo, that would be an incredible experience.  He agreed and I was stoked.

I estimated that what would normally be a 1.5 hour walk would take 2-2.5 hours.  It took me an hour to get up and over the Hyperion Bridge.  Time was not dictated by difficulty but rather personal interactions with others on the street.

Being the friendly and social person I am, I stopped to talked to interested people on the street.  As you can see, I even encouraged those who would fit into them try them on.  That is Amy on the left.  I  met her right out side the scooter shop on the corner of Brand and San Fernando.  Charolette, right, was the cute girl behind the counter of Sweets for the Soul when I walked in.  

Let me tell you a little secret about these shoes...Once you get over the looks of shock and skepticism from the passer-byes, you start to feel like you can do anything.  They were my own felix felicis (for those of you who don't know what felix felicis is, it is liquid luck).  I felt that whatever I wanted, whatever I wanted to accomplish, I could successfully.  And what I wanted to do was talk to Sweets for the Soul about renting their kitchen space and talk to 55 degrees, an excellent wine shop in Atwater Village) about having a chocolate and wine tasting.  I did both of those things.  These are not actions and conversations I'm new to, but sometimes it takes a lot of courage to straight up walk into such places and put yourself out there. With these crazy new fangled shoes on,  how could I go wrong?  The owner of Sweets for the Soul was out of town, but I got her email address.  I talked for 15 minutes with the owner of 55 degrees and even had him bring my website up.  We talked hand-crafted, artisanal chocolates before he gave me Stephanie, the event coordinator's contact info.  Perhaps I didn't talk to the right people at that moment, but I did get their contact info and left a lasting impression.  

I only made it as far as the end of the Hyperion Bridge.  I was offered many rides home, but wanted to enjoy the experience.  I was finally picked up by my friend, Apolonia, whom was having a bad day and just got off of work.  Luckily, I picked up a bottle of wine at 55 just for that reason.  

When I woke up that morning, I had no idea what was in store for me.  I've learned to invite and welcome opportunities into my life.  When they show up, you have to seize them, no matter how silly they may seem.  

April 20 - Flat in the Rain

Tuesday, April 20
Alt. Mode - Biked
Points - 2
Gear - To work: black wunder unders, passion swiftly racer back, senorita pink power y, black running henley, bold blue check leader of the track At work: langoon, senorita pink astro pants, lagoon 5 yr pima tee, black stride jacket, reebox run tone

If Run Club was on rain or shine, I was biking rain or shine.  Besides, it was only drizzling out.  I loaded up both panniers (one full of snacks for run club) and fitted them with their bright yellow built in shower caps.  And away I went.

The drizzle picked up full on rain by the time I hit the streets, or at least it seemed.  I had a hard time seeing with all the water flying in my face.  My visor did little to keep it out.

Halfway through my ride, it felt hard to pedal.  It wasn't my legs, but rather the amount of pressure it took for me to crank the pedals.  I looked down at my front tire.  It was fine.  I looked down at my back tire.  It did not look fine.  In fact, it looked flat.  No wonder it felt so difficult.  And of course, it had to happen in the rain!  Why hadn't I taken my own advice of checking the tire pressure in my tires once a week.  Fortunately, I knew The Bicycle Mart was right around the corner.  I passed it almost everyday with the intention of stopping in.  Now, I had the perfect reason and excuse.

I walked my bike in, dripping wet.  A gentleman popped his head out from the back work room.  It was Bob, the owner.  He's been there 31 years! Sells new and used top of the line street bikes, fixes up used bikes, and will build you one from scratch.  I told him what brought me in, my flat.  When I went to actually feel the back tire, it wasn't flat at all.  The weight from both of my bags weighed the back tire down and only made it look flat.  Huh!  Well, it got me into that store.  I decided to buy a small travel bike pump since I didn't have one.  Next to the bike pump was a bike bell that said "I love my bike." Bike bell?!?!?  I didn't have one on of those.  I asked Bob if he had one with a tiger on it.  He replied, no, but that he could get one for me by friday.  Yes! I'm so stoked.  That's just what tiger needs.

Back into the rain I went.  Only half a mile to go.  I put turned my ipod back on.  A couple minutes later, horrible static filled my ears.  Rain must have seeped through the protective band and gotten into it.  AAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!  Not my ipod nano!  That's also my running ipod with my nike+.  How was I ever going to run again? Now I'll have no idea how far or fast I've run.  There goes my training!

Luckily, I got to work real early because I had extra work to do.  Having learned from previous experiences of riding in the rain, I knew full well to pack an entirely new outfit, including shoes, socks, and undies.  And thank goodness I did.  I was soaked to the bone.  There is nothing more wonderful than putting warm, clean clothes on (especially socks) when you're wet and cold.

The clouds parted and made way for blue skies for run club.  4 people showed up, 2 regulars and 2 newbies.  Even so, it was one of the most touching and inspiring runs for me because of the authentic connection I made with Sophie, a new run/walker.  That's one of the biggest reasons I love my job.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 19 - Sometimes Life Gets in the Way

Tuesday April 20
Alt. Mode -
4.15 - biked
4.17 - drove
4.18 - biked
4.19 - drove to Calabasas
Points - 4
Gear - black wunder unders, black jogging skirt, senorita pink power y bra, passion swiftly racerback

Its been 5 days since I've shared my adventures.  Life got pretty busy here for awhile.  Its Chocolate of the Month (COTM) crunch time which means I spend all my free waking time making, packaging, and shipping out chocolate.  Sure, it sounds glamorous, but this month's Chocolate, Honey, Banana, Almond-Butter Cups are pretty time consuming.  Needless to say, its hard for me to justify taking 3 hours out of my day to walk to and from work when I need to maximize every moment of my time.

I did drive to work for my closing shift on Saturday.  I was bringing chocolate to Amanda.  I couldn't have it melt.  It need to stay in my nice air conditioned car.  Plus, at the end of a long night at 11pm, I was so thankful to have my car at hand.

I drove to Calabasa yesterday afternoon.  I did make the honest effort to find a metro line, bus, or commuter rail that went out there.   I would have loved the down time to read.   With my unfamiliarity with the area, I didn't have much luck.

I'm closing tonight.  Its overcast.  I am slightly overwhelmed by how much is on my plate, intentionally or otherwise.  Luckily, I've been listening to Brian Tracy while I make chocolate.  He suggests writing everything you have to do down on an index card.  Prioritize.  2 items on your list contain 80% of the solution.  Do those 2 things first and continue to prioritize and cross items off your list.  If something else comes up, don't fret, write it down.  Before you go to bed, write whatever didn't get done today on tomorrow's list.  I've been using this method for the past week and it is helping immensely.

Sometimes life gets busy and we get caught up in the hecticness.  I could sit here all day and beat myself for getting off track from my goals.  Instead, I remember why I'm doing all of this and realize that I am living my goals and dreams.   A busy week is part of the process.  I just have to remember to breathe, breathe deeply, and enjoy.  I have the rest of my life to sleep.  Now its time to get back on the tiger and ride!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 14 - War & Peace

Wednesday, April 14
Alt. Mode - 0
Points - 0
Gear - Black team spirt crops, black all out tank

I'm sad to say that I drove to my sweat drenching work out this afternoon.  Brian Shiers' War & Peace class kicked my booty.  I loved being able to keep up with, if not endure more than the guys in attendance.

I drove because the Toluca Lake Sports Center is approximately 8 miles from my house.  Not to mention the long, gradual hill that is Toluca Lake.  To be honest, the idea of biking there scares the crap out of me.  Because of that, I vow to do it at least once by the end of this month.  You can hold me to it.  I might not be able to walk afterwards, but I'll do my darnedest.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 13 - See, Dreams Really Do Come True.

Tuesday, April 13
Alt. Mode - Bus and Bike
Points - 2
Gear - black empower crops, passion swiftly racer back, black running hennley, black jacket stashed in running backpack, Reeboks run tone sneakers

I dropped my mom off at the airport this afternoon.  I'm both happy and sad to see her go.  Now, I can turn my focus onto the class I'm teaching to our run club tonight.  Its a class that I've had in my head for almost 6 months.  Its 30 minutes of warm up yoga specifically for runners, 30 minutes of mindful running, and 30 minutes of cool down/detoxifying yoga to optimize recovery time.  This is also to aid in our training for the upcoming Keep LA Running 5k/10k in July.

After hours of going through the poses, correct alignment, science behind it, and all the planning I could do, I decided to take the bus.  I felt that it would be the best way for me to stay calm, relaxed and do last minute prepping before my big day.  This was all the case until panic set in due to the poor planning on my part.  What was I thinking taking the bus at 5:00pm through the traffic and backed up intersections??? What was supposed to be a 45 minute ride, took 75!!!

None the less, I did stumble upon a great pre-run meditation in Running Within that I ended up reading during the class.

To me, the evening was a complete success even though it did not unfold like the well laid plan in my head.  We stretched on the green of the Americana because I found out hours before that the quite community room I really wanted to use was booked.  Quieting and tuning out the noises and distractions around us is just part of the process, right? The run itself was fun. I got to run with some folks I haven't yet.  I love sharing that encouraging experience with others.  And boy could I feel those butt sneakers (reeboks run tones) in my calves and upper inner thighs.  I swear, by the end of this month, there better be some noticable difference!

We ended the evening laying down our mats and stretching right in front of the store.  Much to my surprise, we did not get questioned, harassed, or stopped by mall security once.  By the end of the night, I had realized one of my goals, to teach the class I had in my head, to share my insights and knowledge to my community. 

Since I bussed it to work, I rode my bike (which had been stashed upstairs in the store from an evening my mom picked me up) home.  It was the hardest bike ride home not because my legs were sore, but because of my yoga mat.  I wedged it into the built-in straps of my run backpack.  When I put it on and started riding, the yoga mat kept hitting my helmet and making things difficult.  I should have just gotten off my bike and readjust the mat, but I had too much of a high from teaching to stop.  By the time I arrived home, I had a crick in my neck from holding my head in an awkward position.  Lesson learned: take the time to adjust and do it right. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 12 - The Beauty of Walking

Monday, April 12
Alt. Mode - Walking, Carpooling
Points - 2
Gear - black empower crops, bold blue cool racerback, bold blue check leader of the track jacket stashed in my running backpack, reeboks runtones (If I haven't said it before, I can really feel the shoes working in my calves and my tookish)

I took 117 pictures on my way to work today.  Leaving 20 minutes early was not enough to get me to work on time as I lost track absorbed in the immense beauty and color around me.  It rained this morning and all the drops glittered like diamonds in the sun.  I'm like a raven and love to look at anything sparkly.    I'm also a huge math/science/art nerd.  I love the optimization formulas that manifest themselves in the unfurling of pedals and leaves.  For example...If you were to look closely at the center of a Sunflower you will see that there are in fact 8 circles going in one direction and 13 in the opposite.  These 2 numbers are sequential in the Fibinocci Sequence.  This is the result of the flower's intuitive nature as it creates the optimum surface area to maximize sunlight exposure for photosynthesis.  (You can't see it, but I just pushed my bridge-taped glasses back onto my nose). I love that stuff! 

I did in fact go into someone's yard and front steps to get the picture of the Calla Lily.  I don't regret it.  

April 11 - Soemtimes you just need a day off

Sunday, April 11
Alt. Mode - 0
Points - 0

Today, my mom and I slept in.  I made a delicious breakfast muesli with grated apples (see recipe below).

Erika's Morning Muesli (1 serving):
1/2 cup rolled oats (I actually use a blend of rolled rye and barley flakes I get from the bulk bin at Nature Mart because I err on the gluten-free side)
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp almonds, chopped or sliced
2 dates, chopped
2 apricots, chopped
1 apple, grated (use a box grater, food processor,
Large splash of orange juice to moisten the museli mix.  I juice half an orange with my hand juicer.
1 tbsp ground flax seeds (optional)
coconut, shaved or grated (optional)
**If you don't have OJ, you can use milk or soy  milk.

Because we slept in so late, we were a bit rushed at the Iver Farmer's Market.  It lost its leisurely and peaceful vibe that I love so much, but was still fun.  On the way back to the car, I realized my keys were missing.  They're on a carabiner which I always attach to my purse when I turn the car off.  Today was no different as I proceeded to lock my keys in the trunk.  Who doesn't love hanging out in a parking lot waiting for AAA with their mother as she tells you how much she worries about you and your scatter brained nature?  I forgot to mention that the day before, I left my purse at Lemonade.  I swear she brings it out of me.

We spent the rest of the day laying around the house, relaxing, doing our nails, and watching movies.  Sometimes you just need a day off from the hustle and bustle and just pamper yourself.  I need to be the best me for me in order to be the best me for you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 10 - Slimmons with Simmons

Saturday, April 10
Alt. Mode - carpool
Points - 4
Gear - black team spirit crops, short sleeve bold blue swiftly tee, lagoon slipless headband, reebox run shoes

What a better way to bond with mom, take advantage of Hollywood, and get a work out in than joining the one and only Richard Simmons for his weekly "Sweatin'" class.  When we arrived half an hour early to sign in there were only a few people there.  Then they started arriving, mothers and daughters, sisters, aunts visiting from North Carolina, and droves of friends all cramming in the foyer to get a chance to to sweat it out with Richard.

When it was time, the double doors opened into a larger, mirrored room and everyone raced in, securing a spot.  In all, there were between 75-100 people of all ages and weights.

The theme of class was Five Decades of Divas.  Even though I couldn't always from the back, I tried my best to keep up.  I have to admit, I am the least coordinated person when it comes to rhythmatically moving my feet.  I kept punching left when I should have been kicking right.  None the less, the fact that I was moving was all that mattered.

We danced, sweat, high kicked, and plied to Olivia Newton-John, Blondie, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson, that disco song, "Gloria," and Rhiannah.  And, oh, is Richard a dirty old man.  The dancing was followed up by free weights, crunches, and side crunches.  During one transitional break, he came over and gave my mom a big kiss on the cheek.  She made him wait so he could plant one on me.  Oh my God! Richard Simmons kissed me on the cheek!!! My day was made.

At the end of class while we all sat on our mats after crunches, Richard gave us a motivational talk.  He told us his story.  From the time he was young, he had orthodics for his right leg.  His doctors wanted to operate, but his parents wouldn't let them.  All his life, all he wanted to do was help people and dance.  He worked in an Italian restaurant until he saved up $25,000 to open up Slimmons Studio in Beverly Hills.  That was 38 years ago!!! I was years from being born! He emphasized going for your dreams, "wanting it so bad it hurts," and making sure you know that you, yourself are an incredible person!  You tell it, Richard!

April 9 - Biking on the Beach!

Friday, April 9
Alt. Mode - Carpooling
Gear - no luon, just jeans and a t-shirt
Points - 2

Andy, my mom, and I were up at 5:00am.  By 6:00am we had driven across town and dropped Andy off for his weekend trip home to Albany.  He wanted to surprise his brother and see his nephew's first birthday.  What a sweet guy.  He's a keeper.

So, what do you do when you find yourself on the other side of town at the crack of dawn? You go to the Omelet Parlor.  Food was ok.  I highly recommend the sun-dried tomato and pesto benedict. Because it was still too early for any of the shops to be open, we drove up the scenic PCH up to Malibu.  I made a point of riding past the newly opened lululemon Showroom before turning around and heading to the Santa Monica Pier.

We were going to hang out on the beach and wait until the shops of the 3rd Street Promenade opened until my mom had the great idea of renting bikes.  Beach Cruisers!  I don't know if I've ever ridden a cruiser before.  I tested a couple to make sure I had the ideal fit.  (This is very important if you're going to be riding for any length of time).  I, also, made sure it had a cute little basket on front so for my giant red sigg bottle (seriously, it holds 1.5 liters), sweater, and keys.  It was so much fun! So leisurely, so freeing! Something both my mom and I enjoyed doing as we rode in the sun with the waves crashing.  It made for great people watching.  I couldn't believe how many people were out walking, running, and participating in group exercises so early in the morning.  I was thoroughly impressed with the guys riding a bike with a surf board strapped to the side.  That's dedication.  Loved it!  I suppose if I lived in that environment, I would be doing exactly the same thing.  Now, to stay in Silverlake or move to Santa Monica?  Tough decision...

The cool thing I learned is that the bike path is called The Stand.  It runs 22 miles starting at Will Rogers State Park, through Santa Monica and Venice Beach, and ends at South Rodando Beach.  I wonder how long it would take to ride the whole thing? And back?

April 8 - A Bike Named Tiger

Thursday, April 8
Alt. Mode - Biking, Carpooling
Points - 2
Gear: black wunder unders, bold blue cool racerback, bold blue check leader of the track jacket, reebox run tones

There was something so easy and peaceful about the ride this morning.  I left right on time.  There was no sense of urgency. The sky was clear. It was beautiful out.  Time flew and the hills seemed easier. I suppose biking, like running because easier the more you do it.  It becomes a moving mediation, a space for your mind to wander.  My mind wandered to the uplifting conversations I had over the past week.  To the freedom I felt while riding my bike.

There's a quote I stumbled upon weeks ago that has changed my life.  "You can like down and let the tiger lay its paw on your head.  Or you can chose to ride the tiger." I've condensed it to, "Ride the Tiger of Life!" and adopted it as my personal motto.  This is how I feel when I'm riding.  I now have a bike named Tiger.

April 7 - Mom's in Town

Wednesday, April 7th
Alt Mode -
Points - 0
Gear - no luon today :(

I picked up my mom in Burbank this afternoon.  She's in town for the next week. I'm excited to see all the trouble we're going to get into!

April 6 - Carpooling, Walking, Running, and Carpooling again

Tuesday, April 6th

Alt Modes - Carpooled to Yoga, Walked to Work, Ran to Aleah's
Gear - Yoga - black wunder unders, senorita pink power y, lagoon inner strength tank. Running - black speed skirt over black wunder unders, passion swiftly racerback, bold blue check leader of the track jacket stashed in my running backpack, and Reebox runtone sneakers

Today was a day full of first for me.  After I picked Amanda up, we headed to Yoga Blend, one of our ambassador yoga studios. It was the first time I had been there.  It has an incredibly warm, peaceful, serene energy.  Nicole taught an awesome class around the theme of "abuta" which in essence is sanskrit for approaching or exploring something for the first time with childlike eyes and innocence. It diffused the pressure one often feels about being able to get into certain poses. Instead, I was infused with a sense of playfulness which made headstands and handstands much more fun, especially when I got into my first twisted headstand!!! Leaving Yoga Blend, the sunlight brightly lit the flowers while a gentle breeze blew by.  Perfect.

On the way home, Amanda and the conversation we had proved eye opening, putting a lot of my life into perspective for me.  I am so fortunate that I have a great living situation, I can pay all my bills, I have an awesome boyfriend, I have an awesome job, I'm having an incredible time in LA, and I'm happy.  I have an this wonderful opportunity to really explore myself, who I am, and what I really want.  I'm letting go of all the self-imposed societal expectations of who I should be, what I should want, what I should be doing for a living, and where I should live.  Instead, I am living for me, today.  Because, every little thing is gonna be alright!

Run Club!!! - We have our Run Club every Tuesday night at 6:30pm.  This week Alysa was living it up in Mexico and Kali worked in Calabasa. That meant I got the opportunity to lead run club.  I warmed up with a nice 5 mile walk from my house in Silverlake to work.  Of course, I was sporting my butt sneakers (reebox run tones), black wunder unders, black speedskirt, passion swiftly racerback, senorita pink power y, and running backpack.  I set out on with my ipod charged and loaded.  I really need a new arm band.  I've had mine for 2 years and its about to break apart.

Within the first block, I saw a store front I'd never seen before.  The old Skunk bar (I don't know if that's what its really called, but it had a giant neon skunk) next to Local was gone.  In its place was the beginning of "The Thirsty Crow." I saw people with tools inside.  I popped my head in, introduced myself as a neighbor, and began asking questions.  What's your name? What's the deal? What's your specialty? When are you opening? Are you the owner? Can I use your bathroom? Now, I know the deal, the owner, and that they have a cute bathroom. Also, I never would have known that inside was this incredibly beautiful old 1920's bar if I hadn't walked by.  Can't wait to support them by having a drink there later this week!

I simply and truly enjoyed my hour and a half walk though Silverlake and Atwater Village.  The sun was out.  It was a beautiful day.  I snapped pictures here and there.  I treated myself to a chocolate pecan cookie from a "Sweets for the Soul" because if I'm walking 5 miles to go to Run Club, I can eat a cookie.  And it was delicious!  Yum, yum, yum.

Run Club was so much fun as usual, but even more so this evening.  Leading by myself meant that I called on our veterans, Jon, Dorothy, and Christina to lead the advanced and intermediate groups. (Dorothy and Christina started with the run/walkers 3 months ago, unable to run a mile.  Last month, they completed their first 5k, the Glendale Downtown Dash, and are now leading the intermediate run club pace group! Way to go!  I'm so proud of them.)  I ran with the run/walkers.  It was so inspiring and uplifting to hear their goals, what they want, and how much fun they're having.

The whole night left me high and happy as I raced to Aleah's for our girl's night screening of New Moon.  Go Team Jacob! I literally ran from the store to her house 2 miles away. As much as I love my Run Backpack, I don't love running long distances in it.  It doesn't stay put on my hips and rides up along the back of my neck.  After an exhausting day and a fun movie night (and a screening of the episode Sierra and her husband, Nick were Who Wants to be a Millionaire) with 6 amazing lus, I got a much needed ride home from Denise.

When she dropped me off, I knew much more about what was going on in her life.  Certain topics just don't come up at work. Riding in a car with someone lends itself to more intimate conversations. I am thankful for each and every insight, conversation, and experience I've had carpooling so far this week! Let's keep 'em coming.

***update*** Since that conversation, I really have been able to let go, change my perspective, and be happier in the moment.  Andy even commented on how much happier I've been this week!!! Yay! Thank you, Amanda!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 5 - Rain or Shine

Monday, April 5
Alt. Transportation: Bike, 1 pannier bag
Points: 3
Gear: black wudner unders, black speed skirt, senorita pink power Y, lagoon inner strength tank, black running henley, and black stride jacket 
Post Ride: astro pants, lagoon pima T, compression socks

I didn't pack my lunch the night before.  I didn't lay my clothes out.  I didn't have to be to work until noon.  But I did have to meet Aleah at Square One at 9:30am for a delicious goal coaching brunch.

My usually bright and sunny kitchen was darkened by grey clouds and pouring rain. Ugh! I had a very important decision to make: Do I throw on a pair of jeans and my favorite furry hoodie and drive in the comfort of my heated car? Or do I suck it up and ride? Here's when checking the weather comes in handy.  It was only supposed to rain before 10am, my way to brunch.  It was supposed clear up by late morning, my ride to and from work.

For me, this challenge is about finding alternative transportation rain or shine.  In real life, when you don't have a car, you have to get where you're going no matter what.  I mustered up all my will power, got dressed cursing the fact that I didn't buy the Leader of the Track Jacket yesterday, packed my pannier (which fortunately has a built in rain cover.  See the yellow shower capped bag in the above pic), and set off for the 2 mile ride.  It was raining pretty hard, but the experience really wasn't that bad.  I felt bad ass seeing drops of rain dripping from my helmet, feeling the mist spraying my face, and knowing that nothing could stop me.  When I arrived, I was a bit soaked. Good thing I was wearing quick wicking clothes! And it wasn't anything a hot cappacino couldn't fix.  Knowing dry clothes awaited me at work also helped.

After a delicious breakfast and excellent goal coaching session, I headed off to work with plenty of time to spare.  The rain had stopped just as the weather channel predicted.  After a couple minutes, I realized I had been in autopilot mode and  didn't recognize where I was.  Luckily, I had a vague sense of where I was and which direction I needed to go.  I cut down a street that I felt would get me where I needed to go.  It turned out to be a great opportunity to see the surrounding neighborhood and take in the vibrant spring flowers.  Then the long gradual incline followed by hills started.  The first one was a decent climb.  I could hear Cynthia and Karen of RMP in my head.  "Flat back. Chest forward. Tailbone tucked. Encage your core. Keep your upper body still." Second one was a doozie.  Using the downhill momentum of the previous one, I kept pedaling until I physically couldn't make the pedal move anymore.  At that point, the bike stopped completely, I lost my balance, and tipped over.  Luckily, I managed to catch myself on my feet before I fell onto someone's lawn. How embarrassing would that have been?  I got right back up, straddled the bike, pushed off, and tried to gain momentum by pushing down on the pedal.  No go. I changed gears. Still wasn't moving.  I did this a total of 4-6 times until I finally got off the bike and walked it the rest of the way up the hill.  At that point, I hopped back on and went on my merry way.

For the rest of the ride to work, I waxed poetic about how roads and "wrong turns" are like the course of life, while hills are the obstacles and challenges we overcome.  Over the course of our life, there are many roads to choose from, taking us in opposite directions.  But there are also many different routes leading to the same destination.  Some of these roads are flat and easy, others are wrought with winding roads and huge hills.  At the bottom, the first hill seems like a mountain.  You have no idea how you're going to get to the top, but you know you are. You keep pedaling and pedaling.  Its so hard.  You switch gears (blatant metaphor) and try something different.  And you keep switching gears until finally you get off the damn thing and walk it to the top.  You made it!  It might not be the way you wanted or even intended to do it, but still you're at the top. You got there! With confidence, you stand at the top, looking out at the next hill, your next challenge.  Its bigger, but with the moment you gain from riding downhill, it'll be easier than starting at the bottom.  Now you know as long as you try, you'll get there, even if you have to change gears 5 times or get off and walk it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 4, Easter Sunday- Biking

Easter Sunday, April 4
Alt. Transportation: road bike, 2 panniers
Points: 2
Gear: black wunder unders, power y, bold blue swiftly tee, black stride jacket

I set myself up for success last night.  I laid out my biking clothes and prepared my lunch.  After hitting my snooze button once, I was up, dressed, panniers (bike bags) packed with snacks for our sunday morning class, and ready to go within 10 minutes.  It was only 7:25am.  I didn't have to leave until 8:00am.  I could have slept in an extra half hour!!! Instead of lamenting the lost sleep, I basked in the morning sun streaming through the kitchen windows, sipping a perfect cup of yerba mate (I have recently switched from coffee to yerba mate).

The streets of Silverlake and Glendale were empty and peaceful on this early Easter morning.  Right before the Hyperion bridge starts heading into Atwater village, I grabbed my little digital camera out of my jacket pocket.  The site of the valley under the large open sky with the snow capped mountains in the background is worth climbing every hill.  With my camera held high over my head i, I try to capture the essence of the scene as it unfolds. Unfortunately, I kept hitting the on/off button instead of the capture button.  That just means I'll have to try again.

With the downhill momentum, I glide into Atwater Village, camera still in hand.  I just point and shoot (clicking the correct button this time).  This is so much fun! I love taking pictures while riding my bike! Who cares if they aren't perfectly straight or in focus? This gave me an idea.  What if I rigged a camera mount to my handlebars? Would that make taking pictures easier? Safer? Hmm... I'll just have to do it and find out.  My by when to make this happen is April 30.  Expect that series of photos soon!

Take aways from today:
1) Preparing the night before lets me 1) sleep in 2) ensures an easy and stress free ride 3) eat well and save money by packing my own lunch
2) Bike photography is cool.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3 - Day Off

Saturday, April 3
Day Off!!!
Points: 0

I didn't go to work and I didn't work out.  I would have gone to Pilates Plus Silverlake, but it was completely booked all day!  Instead, I enjoyed a stress free day of doing what needed to be done, but whenever I felt like it.

I stuffed 2 reusable bags in my running backpack (which I love because its so lightweight, has lots of pockets in all the right places, and it allows me to be hands free) and grabbed Andy's as we walked the mile to the farmer's market in sunset junction.

As an incentive to walk, I bought myself a present.  I've been obsessed with them, talking about them, and researching them for the past week: butt shaping shoes.  I know what you're thinking.  I'm sure they work, but they are UG-LY!  Ah, but not all of them.  Let me introduce you to the Reebox Run Tone:

Cute, right?  Supposedly, I can run and walk in them.  I felt them working during my Power Sculpting class at the Toluca Lake Sports Center yesterday.  And I've felt it in my calves.  Its only day 3.  I'll keep you updated.  I'm debating the before and after butt shot???

The first 2 days of the challenge were successful, but both consisted of me in an automobile.  I'm pumped to ride my bike tomorrow morning.  Its a red vintage 10 or 12 speed fuji with racing handles.  I bought it used from a guy with a store on the side of the rode back in Austin, TX.  I fixed her up a bit, re taped the handlebars, installed a rack over the back tire, and put cages on the pedals.  Making these modifications and working on her has become one of my peaceful places.  There's a certain level of pride, ownership, and zen when successfully working your own mode of transportation.  I now understand why guys like to work on cars so much.

I paid $7 for the pedal cages.  They were my answer to spending $150+ on new pedals and cycling shoes.  So far, I really feel the difference, especially when dealing with those long gradual hills winding through Silverlake and LA.  If you don't have the money to spend on new gear or don't know if you're going to commit, I highly recommend the $7 cages available at REI or your local bike shop.

As soon as I'm done typing, I'm going to pack my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, the post-class snacks, and lay out my biking clothes (wunder unders, cool racerback, luon henley, stride jacket, socks, undies, power y, helmet).  If that Leader of the Track Jacket is still at work, I'll probably get it as a wind blocking investment piece.

April 2 - The Bus

Friday April 2, 2010
Alt. Transportation: Bus, 603 Coronado/Sunset to Glendale Galleria
Gear: Black wunder under crops, passion swiftly racerback, black stride jacket, coal running backpack, ipod loaded with Brian Tracy.
Points: 2

Back in my Boston days (1998-2007), I'd walk, hop on bus, or ride the T without a second thought.  Those were by far the easiest, most convenient ways to get around the city.  Parking was a nightmare.  Even worse than maneuvering the old cow paths we called streets were the drivers.  They're called Massholes for a reason.  I've lived in Los Angeles for 3 months and this was my first time on the bus.  Despite the furrowed brows and questioning from friends,  I looked forward to just sitting there, staring out the window, listening to my headphones, and watching the city unfold in front of me.

I checked and double checked the LA Metro site, making sure the bus I was going to get on, the 603, was in fact the bus that would take me to work.  Stepping onto my very first LA bus, I heard very explicit words coming from the last seat of the bus.  Every passenger was perfectly still, facing forward, hands in their lap.   Especially the children.  Uh oh.  This is to cliche, I thought to myself.  Fortunately, the woman with the Torrettes (literally) exited at the next stop, but not before thanking the bus driver as she stepped off.

From there, the bus took a back route to Riverside via Allesandro St. but not before drving down Alvarado and Glendale.  I drive these streets often enough but experiencing them as a passenger gazing out the window was a completely different experience.  I wish I thought to have my camera out earlier.  Oh the pictures I wish I shot.  There was a huge mural, graffittied with "Outsiders Welcome." Loved it! I caught glimpses of some of the infamous stairs of Los Angeles and Silverlake.  The homes they secluded, the history involved and the moving logistics boggled my mind.

Once the bus started filling up, an older man sat next to me.  In his hand was a bouquet of orchids I had never seen before.  I turned to him, told him they were beautiful, and asked what type they were.  Waving his hands, he replied with a thick accent, "It does not matter. Every flower is beautiful."  Lesson for the day.

The bus came to a stop near a large parking garage.  Everyone got up and shuffled for the door.  This must be my stop.  Cutting through the Galleria to get to the Americana, I got distracted by the free samples at Teavana.  I was lured inside by the idea of a delicious, cooling ice tea.  I got an iced raspberry and lemon matte.  Yum, yum, yum.  Even better, we talked Earl Greys.  You see, I make chocolate.  Next month's chocolate of the month club is an earl grey infused chocolate.  They have a vanilla and blue corn flower earl grey tea that will be PERFECT.  So glad my path took me this way today!

"I walk everywhere," I overheard Jadah (an awesome woman I was about meet) exclaim to another guest. I caught up with her in the fit rooms.  She intentionally gave up driving and converted to a walking lifestyle in her efforts to go green 5-6 years ago.  Because of this, she met her man while commuting on a train.  He, too, was an eco-conscious walker.  We discussed the intimacy one gains while walking the streets of a city and how the "meat of the universe" reveals itself similarly.  Not your normal dressing room conversation. Better.

On his way home from work, Andy (that's my beau) picked me up at the bus stop where I waited for 20 chilly minutes.  And away we were to veggie enchilladas at a friends house.  On the ride there, I barely talked about work.  Rather, I elaborated on everything I've written today.  All the moments, the experiences, the insights.  He knew exactly what I was talking about.  He gets and understands me that way.  In turn, that opened the door for him to share a relevant and really interesting Sight and Sound art school class experience to me.

Today was chocked full of great experiences.  I was happy to share them with my new friend, LA. I look forward to the "meat of the universe" revealing itself to me over the next 28 days! I'll make sure to take lots of pictures!

April 1 - Car Pooling

April 1, 2010
Starting weight: 141.6 lbs
Alt. Transportation: Carpool!!!
Gear: black wunder unders, senorita pink power Y bra, senorita pink manifesto cool racerback
Points: 3

On March 31st, the day before the onset of the challenge, I took the advice of all the commuting articles I've read and reread over the past week.  Their key pieces of advice: Prepare the night before and leave a change of clothes at work.  I now have 2 sets of clothes, a pair of undies, a bra, and a wash-up kit (face towel, face soap, moisturizer, deodarant, hair elastics, etc) stashed away just in case.  These are to ease the transition of a sweaty bike, run, or walking commute to that of a put together young lady on the floor.

I fully prepared the night before.  My breakfast, lunch, and snacks were packed.  My riding clothes for the morning were laid out, and an extra set of clothes (astro pants and lagoon pima tee) were neatly folded in my bike's saddle bag.  Everything was ready for me to role out at 7:45am and get to work for 8:30am with plenty of time to spare. To work bike commuting takes 24-27 minutes depending on if I'm coming (downhill) or going (uphill).

Come to find out plans changed.  Instead, we, lululemon Glendale, started April's Earth Month Challenge off with a bang! 7 of us, Aleah, Alysa, Amanda, Ann Marie, Denise, Kali and I, carpooled to sweat our butts off at Mark's Pulse Class at 8:20am.  I was so impressed with and proud of my team.  The carpool was organized without my suggestion or nagging.   It was an elaborate plan of pick ups, switch-a-roos, and drop offs all to accommodate a doctor's appointment and those of us who had to open the store.

Instead of cursing the gradual incline that is my way to work, I was fortunate enough to have quality time with Amanda and Denise, catching up, learning about each other, and sharing goals. And now I know where both Amanda and Aleah live.  Aleah just might be hearing some motivating and encouraging knocks on her door at 7:30am.

Awesome Resources

Here are a bunch of invaluable resources to peruse.  Whether you're trying to be green and eco-friendly, sweat once a day, save money, explore your city, or lose weight there's something here for you:

Eco-Friendly Commuting:
Carbon Footprint Calculator - Really puts your personal role into perspective
Top 10 Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Commuter  - My favorite, #5. Consider a 4 day work week!
The Taurus - the new trend in commuting?  
Snob on a Bus - Wonderful insights on life

Sweat Once a Day:
The How To's of Run Commuting from The Balanced Athlete
The How To's of Bike Commuting from Commuting by Bike

Save $$$:
LA Metro - Don't know which route to take? Just plug in your location and where you want to go!  It even calculates the savings in gas $$$ for you!  My new favorite.
AAA's Fuel Cost Calculator - Plug in your Make Model and Year!  Its best for longer trips.
Miles Per Gallon Gas Calculator

Explore your city:
USC's Walking Tours - Pretty Cool.  Check it Out!
LA Walking Tours - All Types from shopping tours, running tours, to historical in Santa Monica,         Venice, Pasadena, and Los Angeles.
Local Hikes
Urban Hikes
Bike Tours

Weight Loss:
Walk it Off
Run it Off
Bike it Off

If you know of anymore that need to be on this list, Post Them!!!! The more info, the better!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Earth Month Challenge Details

The Earth Month Challenge encourages people to find and use alternative modes of transportation to and from work(outs).  This can be anything from carpooling, taking the bus, a commuter line, running, walking, riding a bike, skateboarding, uni-cycling, etc.  

When: April 1-April 30

Why: To reduce our carbon foot print, sweat once a day, be seen in the community, do to the earth what we do to ourselves, and use that awesome running backpack that just got marked down.

How to earn points: 
Each way that you find an alternative mode (i.e. running, walking, carpooling, taking the bus, skateboarding, uni-cycling, roller skating, etc) to and from work or your work out will be worth 1 point.  (All points are the same to honor the conscious intention behind the effort and to acknowledge that some live further than others). 

This is an integrity based 
scoring system.  Attached is a tracking sheet template. Glendale is keeping theirs on their Earth Month Challenge Community Board. 4 points max per person per day. 

Facebook and other media: 
We have created a blog ( which will be kept in accordance to blog guidelines as stated on lululent) that Erika M. has committed to maintaining an updating on a regular basis about her personal experiences as well as those of others.  Starting weight, articles, resources, the How To's of Bike and Run Commuting, and lots of pictures will be posted.  This in turn will be linked to our Facebook page.  We will also be inviting and encouraging our community, Facebook friends, and guests to participate and share their stories.  

Attached are the How To's for both Bike and Run Commuting, the official challenge guidelines, and a tracking sheet templates. 

This is an excellent opportunity for each and every one of you to set a goal for yourself and your team, big or small. I would love to hear them all!  My personal goal is to take alt. transportation (bike, walk, run, bus, carpool) the entire month of April, rain or shine, as well as run both to and from work on the same day at least once (that's 5 miles each way).