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All You Need:
Tools of the Trade

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 12 - The Beauty of Walking

Monday, April 12
Alt. Mode - Walking, Carpooling
Points - 2
Gear - black empower crops, bold blue cool racerback, bold blue check leader of the track jacket stashed in my running backpack, reeboks runtones (If I haven't said it before, I can really feel the shoes working in my calves and my tookish)

I took 117 pictures on my way to work today.  Leaving 20 minutes early was not enough to get me to work on time as I lost track absorbed in the immense beauty and color around me.  It rained this morning and all the drops glittered like diamonds in the sun.  I'm like a raven and love to look at anything sparkly.    I'm also a huge math/science/art nerd.  I love the optimization formulas that manifest themselves in the unfurling of pedals and leaves.  For example...If you were to look closely at the center of a Sunflower you will see that there are in fact 8 circles going in one direction and 13 in the opposite.  These 2 numbers are sequential in the Fibinocci Sequence.  This is the result of the flower's intuitive nature as it creates the optimum surface area to maximize sunlight exposure for photosynthesis.  (You can't see it, but I just pushed my bridge-taped glasses back onto my nose). I love that stuff! 

I did in fact go into someone's yard and front steps to get the picture of the Calla Lily.  I don't regret it.  


  1. The pictures of the flowers are amazing! I downloaded them and will use them as my wallpaper on my desktop at work, thanks for sharing! And making my office prettier :-)
